Monday, April 28, 2008

Spring Cleaning #30: Take a Load Off Our Drives

To take a load off, I looked at the (Z)drive and it is the best for me of all the drives, I got to view the things I treasure the most in life my Family and Friends, I did delete some things. The next drive I viewed was the (S) drive, I like this one too, it had pictures of my co-workers, I delete the most in this drive. The last drive was the (P) drive, I could not do anything with this one.

Spring Cleaning #29: Email

I looked at my emails and I had a-lot so I began to delete them but I moved the ones that I needed to use to a new folder.

Spring Cleaning #28: Don’t Clutter Up Expensive Cyberspace

First, I can't believe that it cost $20,000 to maintain the computers here at work. I read the article GTD by David Allen in Wikipedia, It's very good information about how to process your inbox and go thru old files. He talked about the 6 levels of foucs and the five stages of the natural planning method. I then I looked at the Google calender and found it to helpful too. I open an account called the to do list.